Friday, December 9, 2011


These past few weeks have been a little crazy and busy, and so was our Thanksgiving, but we are finally moved and somewhat settled in our new house :)  We closed on the house in Clarksville on Tuesday the 15th of November, drove to GA to parents house late that night and spent about 5 days with them.  Then Adam and I drove to Charlotte (we left Cohen and Cooper with my parents) on Sunday the 20th and closed on the new house on Monday.  Our goods were delivered on Tuesday and the movers were at our house until 1:30 AM!  We did very minimal unpacking then left to go to Atlanta on Wednesday for Thanksgiving.  Adam's mother flew into Atlanta from Colorado Springs to join us for Thanksgiving at my parent's house and we all had a great time!  This was the first year my mother cooked Thanksgiving dinner instead of my Grandmother since my Grandmother had broken her hip twice last year and is not able to cook a large meal anymore.  My mom did a great job and we all ate way too much!!  We stayed in Atlanta until Saturday then Adam, Cohen, Cooper, Adam's mom and I drove to Charlotte.  Adam's mom then flew back home home out of Charlotte on Sunday and Adam and I started the unpacking process.  So NOT fun!  Especially because the new is about 500 square feet smaller than the old house and does not have a garage (only a carport with a small shed).  The "new" house is actually an older house built in the 1950's but we like it so much because of it's character, great school district and location close to the city.

Here are a few pictures from our Thanksgiving:

Adam, his mom and Olsen

Benjamin and Cohen

My mom and Granddaddy

The Jones family and Cohen

The Stead family--Cohen never looks at the camera!

Nana and Cohen

While we were in Atlanta we also visited our friends, the Muschara's, who had a get-together for several families including the Cox's, Moore's and Basham's.  We all had a great time, especially the kiddos!  Here are a few pictures from the day.

Not sure what he is trying to do??

Marley and Cohen obviously mesmerized by something!

The kiddos making turkey cookies--Maggie's creative idea!

Marley enjoying her turkey cookie!

Collin and Cohen

Sam and Colt with their cookies